Snuff - Sex and Violence
Agony, torture and dreadful torment recorded by a camera. Such films are called ´snuff-videos´. They show pictures from wars, prisons and excesses of violence on the roads. Many of them can be watched on the internet. It is even rumored that brutal rapes and murders are committed in front of the camera for the sake of commercial profit.
In this documentary the phenomenon of snuff-videos is examined by several experts: criminologist Thomas Middendorf, sexologist Jacob Pastötter, psychiatrist Andreas Hill, neurobiologist Gerhard Roth, media expert Petra Grimm, philosopher Svenja Flaßpöhler, horror filmmaker Jörg Buttgereit and last but not least the band ´Rammstein´. Snuff – this phenomenon is investigated and illustrated from widely different perspectives. It was a totally gruesome matter. However, it shed some light on the cruel side of human life. Being a pilot project, it became the successful start for the series ´Bauer investigates´ with Christoph Bauer.