Filming Science

Environmental Economics

 Portrait ǀ 6.30 min ǀ 2014 ǀ Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ǀ Production Mirko Mikelskis ǀ Director Oliver Päßler | Camera Sven Müller | Editing Wolfgang Hemmann | Music Florian de Gelmini

Stefanie Engel is one of the world’s leading researchers in environmental economics, particularly in the field of the economics of ecosystems services. She investigates how individuals and groups treat their environment and natural resources, how their behaviour is influenced and how it can be controlled. To this end, she employs a broad spectrum of methods deriving, for example, from behavioural economics or game theory. At Osnabrück University, Stefanie Engel could invigorate the interdisciplinary Institute of Environmental Systems Research and help to guide the focus on “Governance of sustainable socio-ecological systems” to the international forefront. 

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